My experience with Rotation Curation

Last week I was the curator of @SwissEverywhere, a Twitter account shared by Swiss people around the world. Every week a new person takes the commands of the account and lets you discover his life, his city, his words. It is a way good to change a bit the routine of you personal account, it forces you to rethink how you tweet. But in the end its a little bit frustrating, because I guess there is less interaction as with your own account. In this case it is maybe because the account is pretty new and there aren’t much followers.  It also could be due to the fact that the owner of the account is every week a new stranger. What do you think?

Famous Rotation Curation experience

I guess the most famous #rotationcuration experience is the account of @Sweden. An initiative launched by VisitSweden, the national tourism and travel agency. They have 66k followers today. Not bad, but sometime it can go wrong.

There are plenty of others: WeAreAustralia, BasquesAbroad or Netherlanders

Why not try this with your company?

Leaving to your employees the right to be the online PR manager for a weeks seems to be a good idea to me. First, you make sure every employee has used Twitter, then you give them a few guidelines. Finally, you leave them a week with your Twitter account! Scared? You shouldn’t. Go for it, try it. And let me know what happened.

I’ve searched a bit if any company already did this but without success. Maybe you can help me.